Joan Website

Joan Cotton


Hi, I’m Joan Cotton, I’d like to share information with you about selling or buying your home, lake home or land.

First, let me tell me a bit about myself. I've been a realtor in northern Minnesota since 1985 and have seen a lot of changes in real estate regulations. Let me tell you selling and buying has become a complicated process. We had a total of one page for the purchase. Now it’s much different. You need a realtor with experience and who can navigate the rules and regulations for you.

I have sold thousands of homes - in town, rural, lakeshore and commercial properties. I take pride in creating strong relationships with my clients and understanding their needs and wishes. I believe strongly in community involvement and I do fund raisers for many causes. I know houses from the bottom up, including septics, wells and inspection processes, and I have a five star rating on the sites like zillow and facebook.

I like to add a bit of humor as we make our way through the process, but also I keep the interests of my clients at heart. I’d be pleased to provide references for you. Just call me!
Office: 218-262-3993
Mobile: 218-969-1382